Architecting innovative data solutions,
elevating education worldwide.

During the training, which lasts about 18 weeks, modern cloud/on-premises data engineering skills are provided to the trainees for 4 hours a week. More than 400 students were trained.

Are you considering a career in data but don’t know what to choose? Are you out of area? With the Data 101 course, you will learn what Data is, what it does, how it is analyzed. You will learn data-oriented thinking and problem solving. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to make a career related to data.

With Kubernetes Bootcamp, you will learn container-based application development, a modern approach to developing and running software applications that leverages the flexibility, scalability, and durability of Cloud Computing.

MLOps is a concept that focuses on the stages of running, monitoring and maintaining machine learning models in live environments. With this training, you will learn what happens after model development. It is a 32-hour video training.

As a data engineer candidate, you are at the right place if you want to build and serve something useful. Because AWS Cloud Data Engineering Bootcamp is designed for you to acquire the most demanded skills with up-to-date content prepared by an instructor with extensive industry experience in Turkey, Europe, and America.  It is a 37-hour video training.





Video Content

500 hours